Fin and Tail Rot
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  • Handbook of Fish Diseases by Dieter Untergasser, TFH Publications, Inc 1989

    This link says that fin rot can be caused by parasites, bacteria, improper pH, bacteria or virus. Anti parasitics may be needed, antibiotics such as sulfa drugs, or adjusting the pH may be needed to correct the situation.

    This article states that it could be caused by ammonia or nitrite, or bacteria. Treatment includes clean water, check water parameters, Kanacyn, maracyn, maracyn 2, furan 2, maroxy, or myacin.

    This article lists a few suspect bacteria, suggests stress, poor water conditions, and fish to fish spreading are causes of the disease. If it spreads to the body it can lead to death. Treatment is salt baths, genetian violet to the area, antibiotics, and removing aggressive fish.

    This article suggests first to try salt in the water. If it worsens decide if its bacterial or fungal.Bacteria is white but not cottony. If its fungus dab malachite green direct to the area, or use maroxy, or a methylene blue bath. If the fish is eating then feed antibiotic food. If not eating put antibiotic in water such as kanamycin+furanace.

    This article lists several bacteria that may be involved in fin rot. Prevention of the disease is stressed through clean water. Treatment is to first try salt 1 tsp/gal , and malachite green at 1 drop /gal for 4 days. Do frequent wc adding back salt and ½ dose malachite green. If the disease reaches the fin root, it may never get back to normal.

    This article says that it is usually caused by stress, including poor water conditions, parasites, low O2 levels, bullying , or overcrowding. The first line of treatment is to remove the cause. Trimming out the damaged area is suggested and then antibiotics in the water.

    This article lists causes as aggression, chemistry including ph, nitrate , and chlorines. Also Parasite or bacteria (indicated by red streaks) Treatment = apply appropriate antiparasitic or antibiotic, good food and vitamins.

    This article has pictures and lists possible organisms. Giving a detailed account of disease progression. Also lists baths of pp, antibiotic or chloramines-t, it lists topical antiseptics and medicated food as options. Also suggests possible use of injectable antibiotics.

    This link lists treatments as fungus cure, tc capsules, furan 2, fungus guard, or binox.

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