Gill and Skin Flukes
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  1. Formalin can be used, but will not affect the eggs of flukes so timing is important. Jack Wattley in "Handbook of Discus" (1985) suggests three treatments spaced three days apart at three drops/gallon for 8 hours. Then do a 50% water change. Moving the fish to a clean tank can be done to make sure that hatching fluke eggs from the bottom of the aquarium do not reattach to the fish. Extra aeration should be used when using formalin. Do not use temperatures greater than 84 degrees F. as oxygen depletion can occur.

  2. Recommended treatment for safety of fish. Treatment with Prazi has been shown to be effective. Routine = 1/4 teaspoon/20 gallons, wait 48 hours, change 50% water, repeat, continuing for a full 21 days without interruption (Prazi also eliminates tapeworm, do not be surprised if the fish have one, it will come out).

  3. Flubenzadol is very effective and must be used for a full 21 days. Use 1/4 tsp/20 gallons every other day. Do 50% water changes daily (has been shown to be toxic to some fish). Untergasser (1989) reports that Flubenzadol also helps eradicate fluke eggs (it also eliminates internal worms/nematodes). Usually the fish may start acting better after 4 or 5 days.

  4. Salt dips at 3% may help according to Dr. Carrington (Maintaining a Healthy Aquarium, 1985, Salamander Books), dose at 7.5 tablespoons/gallon until the fish "rolls over" then transfer to clean water.

  5. Potassium permanganate dip has been shown to help on the live flukes.

  • Handbook of Fish Diseases by Dieter Untergasser, TFH Publications, Inc. 1989

  • Maintaining a Healthy Aquarium by Dr. Neville Carrington, Salamander Books 1985

  • Handbook of Discus by Jack Wattley, TFH Publications Inc. 1985

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