Ari & Scott
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JE: What would be your ideal discus set up, within the realm of possibility?

Ari: Scott wants a fish room, or a shed for his tanks. At the moment, we have them scattered all over the house... When we finally settle and buy a house, we would only have 1 big tank in the house (hopefully a huge 8foot tank or something - and that my big dream at present), and the rest can go to the fishroom. I don't think it will be big set-up though.

Scott: We'd like a "dream tank" about 8' long by 3' wide by 3' deep (500gal), wet/dry filtration, planted and populated with discus. Knowing Ari, she would want wilds, and in a planted tank, I'm inclined to agree with her. As long as there are a few blue diamonds in there as well - they are my favourite non-pigeon, non-white strain I would need another tank for the pigeons - BB with potted swords (maybe). The pigeons definitely look cleaner in a BB with a pale background. Two discus display tanks would do us I think. THEN I'd need a fishroom, with brood tanks and growout tanks, nothing too ambitious, just enough for 6 - 10 pairs. I'd have to automate the waterchanges, and I have plenty of ideas that I'll use when this eventuates. We are still renting, so this is our plan to be implemented when we buy a house. And fishroom space is high on the list of residential selection criteria.

JE: Do you think you spouse likes the discus better than you? LOL!

Ari: Definitely not.... Well I hope not anyway. I think we are both in it together, so we are luckier than most people that we can share the hobby and enjoy it together. There is a downside though, there is no voice of reason that will stop us from buying more fish and more fish and more I am too scared to even count how much money we have spent in this hobby.

Scott: Nah, I'm still her number one pet! And it's not as much work to look after me - most of the time

JE: So, important news, we hear through the grapevine that you two are expecting! Congratulations! Is there any chance that you are going to name the baby after one of the moderators here??

Ari: Yes... we are having a baby in late May/early June. It was rather unexpected. April actually knew that I was pregnant before I I complained that I was tired all the time, and she told me that I might be pregnant. I said 'no way', cause we were not planning a baby for another year or two and I thought I have been careful. Well, a few days later I went to get those test kit and there it was... I was pregnant. Scary and exciting at the same time!! The baby was not planned, but we could not be happier nonetheless...

About names, Scott and I have picked a few boys and girls name. We decided not to find out about the gender of the baby. It will be a surprise for us and for everyone. And also, we have decided that we would not tell anyone about the names One thing for sure, the name won't be a traditional western name, cause our baby won't be traditional western baby. We will definitely let everyone knows when the time comes....

Scott: Yes it's true, we have a wriggler about to hatch in late May / early July. So that means April is out of the running (Sorry Pril!!) As far as names go, all we want is a name that is pronounced the same in English as it is in Indonesian. So you'll have to wait and see, just like everyone else!!


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