Halloween Spotlight Special
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RYAN (Trick):
In the fall of 2002 I purchased some discus from a source online. At the time I was doing some contract work for a temp agency and I had all of my fish packages delivered by overnight carrier to the actual temp agency office. On my lunch break I would drive from the place I was working to the office, pick up and inspect my fish, then carry them back to work with me and keep them there until I could go home.

On this particular day, the secretary at the office called me at work. "Ryan, the delivery guy just dropped off your package and water is pouring out of it." I nearly died. I asked my supervisor for an early lunch break and I rushed down to the other end of town through lunch hour traffic. When I got to the temp agency I tore open the box to find that the fish inside were in about one inch of water they were 5" fish! It barely covered their gills. They looked dead at first, but after some agitation they flopped around and I noticed them breathing.

I grabbed the box and ran, dripping, all the way to my car. I drove back to the north end of town to a little pet store that I knew of. By this time, it was raining pretty hard outside (leave it to Florida weather!). I snatched the box up out of my car and ran toward the pet store. On the way through the parking lot, in the pouring rain, I lost my grip on the box and dropped it, and it went tumbling and skidding across the wet parking lot pavement.

When I finally managed to make it inside, I told the employee behind the counter, "I have some fish that have to be re-bagged." She ran over and helped me with the box, then started getting bags ready for the fish. I told her that there was a lot of water in the bottom of the box (thanks to the bag liner in it) and that we could use it for re-bagging the fish, but before I knew it she was scooping up water from a nearby GOLDFISH tank and dumping it into the bags with my discus!

I drove home, yanked the bags open, and moved my fish directly from the bag to the tank. All seven of them lay on their sides on the bottom for about three hours. Amazingly, between almost being dried to a crisp, drop-kicked across a parking lot, and bagged in cold, dirty goldfish water, the fish pulled through and did well. I, however, have never been quite the same when it comes to receiving a new shipment of fish!


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