Francisco Borrero, Jack Taylor and Tyler Sena
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A couple pictures of Tyler's fish and setup:

JE: Do you have any funny, amusing or interesting discus stories to share with us?

Jack: I have been blessed with lots of wonderful fish deals and tank acquisitions. The most notable so far was a visit to Wichita, Kansas. I answered a post on a forum about angelfish. The post said was anybody interested in Angelfish Pairs?? I replied and asked how much?? That trip I came home with 5 mated pairs of angels and about 2000 juvie angels. No cost !!!! But then right before I left , I was asked if I was interested in the hatchery setup?? I left and I got an E-mail when I arrived home on the total cost. 20 tanks, 20 adult discus, 160 gpd RO, all the supplies (heaters, lights, filters, ph meters) for $700. Now the funny part was I got pulled over for speeding on the way home with the setup. I told the officer I needed to get the Discus home and into a heated tank ASAP. He smiled, told me he had never heard that excuse before, slow it down and have a nice day.

Tyler: Well, no one event comes to mind, but I have had PLENTY of floods to go around. Not sure if I found them funny at the time.....but looking back, they really were!

JE: Do you have any thanks or credit to give for your success with discus? Any mentors or colleagues who you think deserve some applause?

Francisco: Yes. The various forums, with all participants, experienced and otherwise have been invaluable to me. When I began with discus, TeddyJ from Australia, whom I dont know personally and doesnt post anywhere anymore, was the single most helpful and dedicated person I can think of. He answered my questions both on the Buffo forum and by e-mail, and was very patient. I wish he would visit some of the current forums for I think he is a good guy despite having received a lot of fire. The next one was fairly recent and may come as a surprise. Over a year ago, we had the first Northeast discus meeting at Als, the Brewmasters house. It was John (DarkDiscus), Don Lee, Al and myself, along with our families. That afternoon, speaking with Al, and seeing his setup and having him answer my questions was the single most instructive day in my 3 years of discus keeping. Sure I knew some things already, but magic happened to me that day nonetheless. Plus the food, the beer and the company were great as well.

Jack: I am not sure success with discus is something for me to comment on. I have had some accomplishments and I am truly thankful for those. I want to thank everyone who has supported me through this past 6 months. It hasn't been easy but I am truly blessed to have such great friends.The close knit group in the chat room has been great. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I couldn't have done it without you !!!!!!!!! I do have to thank Cary, Matt, Joe, Russ, and Mike for taking my phone calls when I needed answers fast. I know you are busy and I tried to be respectful of your time. But things are better now and you helped me out more than you could ever imagine !!!

Tyler: A lot of credit has to go to me parents for just plain putting up with me and the hobby. They even let me take over the basement! I also have to thank Mike Wells for really hooking me up with some great fish, even when I was so new to the hobby. I have to thank everyone here at simply, as I wouldn't even have these fish without you. But most of all I really have to thank Ryan, the admin here. He taught me pretty much everything when I was first coming around, and really made me feel comfortable here.


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