Louis (Sly)
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JE: What do you feed your discus?

L: I feed my discus various kinds of food including beefheart as the main course, plus Tetrabits, Sera bits and frozen bloodworms as treat. Sometimes frozen brine shrimp.

JE: What is your most exhilarating moment with discus? What are you proudest of?

L: When my first pair spawned and carry their fry. That's the happiest moment. As for proudest moment I have none yet. Hopefully to create a strain of my own.

JE: What is your most frustrating moment with discus?

L: It has to be dealing with an unknown disease which killed eleven of my discus day after day. I almost gave up discus then.

JE: Do you have any future discus plans that you would like to share with us?

L: If there is an opportunity, I would love to set up a discus hobbyists association that discus hobbyists can use to freely share information and do various farm outings and discus competitions for hobbyists together not just in my country but around the world.

JE: How do those in your life feel about discus?

L: I am fortunate to have an understanding wife who love discus as well and since we have no kids at the moment I am enjoying the freedom with my hobby and hopefully I can continue with this hobby for as long as I live. My family are equally supportive.

JE: Do you have any funny, amusing or interesting discus stories to share with us?

L: There are some funny moments but the one of them that I thought was hilarious is when one of my discus pushed a piece of beefheart around the tank using his pelvic fins like a pushing a wheelcart. He did this continuosly for five minutess and ate it in one corner after that. I have never seen anything like that! LOL

JE: Do you have any thanks or credit to give for your success with discus? Any mentors or colleagues who you think deserve some appreciation?

L: I would like to thank a few people that have been helping me with good advice throughout the years. People like Roy, Robert and David are some of the people I would turn to if I have problems with discus and they have always been very helpful particularly Roy (zoids). You should interview this guy as he has a wealth of knowledge in keeping discus and is always not afraid to share. Hes just not as vocal as me but definitely a guy who know his discus.


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