Ryan Wong (Orient)
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JE: How many pairs do you currently have producing? How many tanks? What would be the maximum you could handle with your current system?

RW: I normally have about 50 pairs of fish breeding at any one time and they are rested when they have bred three times in row. Normal resting period is 2 weeks. Sometimes they just don't get it that they are on holiday and will spawn in the community tank.

In my breeding farm, I have 240 tanks. I am using all 55 gallon tanks for my breeders and grow outs. Water storage capacity is 14,000 gallons and they are aged overnight prior to use. My water here is very soft at less than 100 ms and ph remains at 7.0-7.5 for all my tanks. This way, my fish gets acclimatized easier when they are shipped. I have room for another 120 tanks in my present place.

I have a separate facility for my packing and quarantine located near my farm bout 5 minutes drive away. This facility has 150 - 55 gallon tanks and normally houses discus and other tropical fish prior to their shipment. Fishes here undergo strict quarantine process and has separate nets and hoses.

JE: What strains are you the most happy with? Which do you think need some work? Are you working on anything new and exciting now? What strains do you like best, personally?

RW: I work a lot with the spotted variety like Leopards, Leopard Snakeskins and RSGs. It was until couple years ago that we tried to cross our own breed and we started with solids. As a result, Mandarin Passion was born. We are very proud of this fish and have selectively bred them untll F3 prior to releasing them commercially.

Generally all discus still have room for improvement. To me, I will always need to correct the shape, color, eyes and finnage of my fish. I am never a believer that we have the best fish now because discus can always get better.

We are currently working extensively on breeding spotted golden spotted red fishes like the gold RSG, gold Leopard and gold Leopard Snakeskin. Hopefully we can see them very soon.

I dont really prefer a certain strain over another. As long as the shape is good, I am game for it. If its not, I will work towards improving it.


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